Targionia hypophylla
This species is recognized by linear thalli, dorsal surface with simple whitish pores, leathery, dark green, ventral surface, blackish-purplish; air chambers in 1 layer, with filaments; archegonia and sporophytes in a dark, 2-valved, swollen, sac-like involucre below the thallus apex.
Thalli dark-green, broad, apex cuneiform, branching dichotomous, with air chambers, filamentous chlorophyllose containing cells, elevated simple pores and purplish ventral scales; margins entire to somewhat crenulate near apex; midrib well developed; oil bodies cells scattered, brownish, compound, spherical; rhizoids mostly smooth and sparsely tuberculate. Dioicous. Male receptacles on both sides of thallus; female receptacles at thallus apex; pseudoperianth lacking, with 2-valved involucres, swollen, sac-like, blackish, open with a slit for spores dispersal; spores brownish, areolate; elaters bi-trispiral, brownish.
Europe, South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, Abyssinia, Mardagascar, India, Indonesia, and Thailand [1]
On soil and rocks in primary, evergreen, seasonal, hardwood forest; granite bedrock, Pu Ping Palace, c. 1,400 m elevation; Ru See Cave, c. 1,125 m elevation; on soil and rocks, in deciduous dipterocarp-oak forest granite bedrock, Mae Sa Mai Village, c. 885 m elevation, Mawk Fa Falls, c. 555 m elevation; Huay Chang Kian (stream), c. 474 m elevation.